Clothing + Charity
This site initially looks like it sells T-shirts - but it is so, so much more than that. Each week they feature a charity and sell shirts and hoodies that are designed around that charity's theme. The product looks amazing (check out the past campaigns!), the shirts help to raise awareness for the featured cause, and Sevenly donates a large portion of the proceeds to the featured charity. This type of social entrepreneurship blends fashion with supporting worthy causes.
On Objectification
Here is an interesting article from someone in the fashion industry on objectification. Normal Kamali works in an industry that some might argue perpetuates the objectification of women, yet she has used her influence and past experiences to create an organization, Stop Objectification ( to help change society's perception on women, and help empower women to break free from feeling objectified. It really is great that someone with influence in the fashion industry can be a catalyst for change.
I hope 2013 brings us all a better world!
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